Sunday, July 03, 2005

Pictures from Kerala trip

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I really wanted to post my comments on each of the pictures when I posted these pictures first.
It's high time I did it.
This picture was taken in Kumarakom bird santuary. The Kerala tourism department has a good hotel there and bird sanctuary is "embedded" in the hotel.

Shooting birds is a pain in the neck... literally. It's hot sun on your head... Birds fly too fast for a camera... you have to look through the camera while you are waiting for the birds and hush.. there went a bird... it just flew and you had no clue and the camera was too late to respond. You just ended up with a an empty sky shot... too bad.. the next bird flew.. but it is too high.. so.. nothing again... then comes the next bird that barely managed to enter your camera... and there you go.. this is that shot. The good part is.. it looks good!

I would say shooting birds (that could be an offence in some act or the other... I only mean taking pictures) is difficult.

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This picture is different in a couple of ways. First - it was shot from a train. Second, it looks like a flame blazing out of the earth. This is a sun set shot when the sun is just about to set and a small hill came in between. This shot is the result.

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This picture is a sunrise shot at Kanyakumari. Other than the fact that you can watch both the sunrise and the sunset there, both are very beautiful as well. I must say I was lucky on that day to see such a beautiful scene because at times, you could return empty handed of there is an overdose of clouds on that day. e.g. I went for a sunrise today (Jly 17th, 2005) to Marina beach and all I saw was coulds!

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This picture once again was shot from the train on the starting day of my trip. So this was in Hyd. I will call this picture "God's Decent."


Finance Enthusiast said...

Nice Pitures! Well Taken...Planning to use them on my desktops!Hope I wont face any copyright issues:)

Chaitanya Sagar said...

No problem. Even if you want to sell the pictures. Just pay me royalty. :)