Sunday, July 23, 2006

What a cricket match taught me

Here's what a cricket match I played a few days back taught me:

  • A leader should perform and win respect: Before you can energize a team, you should first perform and show results. The team will then follow.

  • Take lead. But get out of the way where you are weak: You should know yourself and strive for excellence in areas of strenths. But in areas where you are weak, you should get out of the way and let others take the lead. Others should see that you are doing this in the cause of the team.
  • Give opportunities: People perform at different points. Even if a person performs poorly in one instance, they might do better some other time. Give them opportunities where they are likely to be successful and contribute to the team.
  • Value portable skills: Some skills are portable; others are not. If you happen to decide who to pick for a job, pick the person who has relevant portable skills. Even at the cost of those who are successful in other areas but do not have those portable skills.
  • Leadership goes to those who take the opportunity. Leadershipmay not be explicit. But subtlely, people accept your leadership if you show them that you are striving for the common goal.

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